Does DHT Cause Male Pattern Baldness?
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen, a sex hormone that contributes to the development of male sex characteristics, such as development of puberty in boys, body and facial hair, deeper voice, etc. But it can also make you lose your hair faster and earlier than you care to.
DHT aka (testosterone), which also plays a role in some of the same sexual functions and physiological processes as testosterone, and considered much stronger. It can bind itself to an androgen receptor longer, increasing the impact of testosterone production throughout your body
DHT and Balding
Hair on the body grows out of the follicles, which are tiny capsules that contain a single strand of hair, underneath the skin.
Typically hair within the follicle goes through a growth cycle about two to six years. Shaving (beard) or cutting the hair, will grow back out of the follicle from the root of the hair contained within the follicle. At the cycle's end, a resting phase begins before falling out a few months later. Now the follicle produces new hair, and the cycle begins again. This also includes your facial hair!
High levels of androgens and DHT, can shrink the hair follicles as well as shorten this cycle, causing thinner and more brittle hair. Hair loss is now at a faster rate.
DHT can also stagnate follicles, taking longer to grow new hairs once old hairs fall out.
Unfortunately, some people are more susceptible to the effects of DHT on the scalp or overall is based on variations in their receptor gene. Androgen receptors are proteins that allow hormones to bind to them. This binding activity results in normal hormonal processes of body hair growth. And variations in the gene can increase receptivity in your scalp follicles, making you more likely to experience male pattern hair loss.
How to Reduce DHT?
See your physician for medications for DHT-related hair loss, and many of them have been proven to work. Some solutions below:
Minoxidil or Rogaine, aka Peripheral Vasodilator. This means that it helps widen and loosen blood vessels so that blood can easily flow through.
Biotin or Vitamin H, a natural B vitamin that helps boost and maintain levels of keratin, a protein present in your hair, nails, and skin. Biotin is an oral supplement, but it’s also present in egg yolks, nuts, and whole grains.
Pumpkin seed oil is another DHT blocker that’s been shown to be successful. A 2014 study of a group of men with male pattern baldness showed a 40% increase in scalp hair after taking 400 milligrams of pumpkin seed oil every day for 24 weeks.
Caffeine research ( not much on it) is speculated to promote hair growth. A small study in 2014 suggests that caffeine can help prevent hair loss by, making hairs grow longer, extending hair's growth stage and promoting keratin prodcution.
Vitamin B-12 and B-6 when a deficiency is present in B vitamins, it can cause a number of symptoms, such as thinning hair or hair loss. B Vitamins are essential nutirents for overall health, but B-12 or B-6 supplements may not help restore lost hair, but they can help make your hair thicker and healthier by improving blood flow to scalp follicles.
To sum it up , DHT is definitely a major cause of male pattern hair loss. Both your natural genetic predisposition to hair loss and the natural processes in the body that cause you to lose hair as you age.
Just know help is available and when armed with information, reducing hair loss may make you feel more confident about your appearance in your everyday life. Talk to a doctor first, as not all treatments may be safe.
Be Well!!